FM 1378 from FM 544 to FM 3412

  Collin County, Texas

FM 1378 from FM 544 to FM 3412

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NDM was responsible for the development of schematics and construction plans for the reconstruction, realignment, and expansion of an existing two-lane rural highway to a six-lane divided urban thoroughfare with signalized intersections, intersection improvements, water and wastewater utility upgrades and replacements, at-grade railroad crossing improvements, and the replacement of a bridge over Muddy Creek. The project also included hydrologic and hydraulic studies and a scour analysis for Muddy Creek as well as storm drain design. The project was on an accelerated schedule because of the timing required to provide access to the new Wylie City Hall facility and was a joint effort project between Collin County, the City of Wylie, and TxDOT.