The Transportation Department is experienced in providing quality transportation engineering services to clients that include local municipalities, county and state agencies, contractors, design-build entities, and private clients. Project areas include highways, municipal streets and thoroughfares, trails and combined use facilities, and light rail.

NDM promotes a design process with the objective of implementing sustainable concepts while improving mobility, connectivity, and safety in all areas of transportation. Projects are developed with consideration of our client’s goals including construction dollars as well as long-term maintenance requirements. Environmental impacts are minimized so that the final design not only achieves an environmentally friendly and low-impact solution, but has real sustainable elements for the client and public.


  • Alignment and Route Studies
  • Schematic Design
  • Geometric Design
  • Roadway Drainage Design
  • Utility Investigation and Conflict Resolution
  • Sequence of Construction and Traffic Control Plans
  • Right-of-Way Mapping
  • Bicycle and Pedestrian Trail Design
  • Erosion Control and SWPPP Development
  • Agency Coordination
  • Grading Plans
  • Signing and Pavement Marking Layouts
  • Construction Cost Opinions
  • Construction Management and Scheduling
  • Design-Build
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Value Engineering
  • Street and Safety Enhancements
  • Intersections and Roundabouts