Fondren Elevated Storage Tank
University Park, Texas
NDM was the prime consultant and design engineer, which included structural rehabilitation as well as complete cleaning and repainting of the 2 MG composite elevated water storage tank. The exterior work included full containment of the tank. An alternate bid item to use metalizing in lieu of paint for the interior wet surfaces was developed by NDM and selected by the City upon receipt of bids. Additional work items for the rehabilitation included the furnishing and installing of a new interior container ladder, an access tube light fixture globe and cage, antenna cable supports, a hinged roof manhole, clog-resistant vents, the modification of interior dry ladder rungs, a roof railing toe bar, roof manholes, and the removal and reinstallation of ladder safe-climbing devices. It was discovered during construction that the T-rails the painter was using were heavily corroded in some areas. As a result, a design was prepared for the replacement of the T-rails and the work was added to the contract by change order. NDM also provided construction phase management and oversight for the project.