Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Master Drainage Plan

  Carrollton, Texas

Dart Orange Line  |   Irving, Texas

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NDM provided services on four phases of drainage improvements and reclamation potential within the TOD areas. The first phase included the preparation of an overall Master Drainage Plan for the three major TOD centers. The second phase included the development of construction plans for a regional retention basin. Design computations included water balance analyses for average annual rainfall conditions and the drought of record. The initial plan was altered to a retention basin system for potential water quality benefits and enhanced aesthetics. The plans included the basin grading, clay liner, inflow and outflow box culverts, water make-up system, fountain system, and erosion protection. The project required a nationwide 404 permit from the USACE. The third phase included hydraulic modeling of existing conditions with a 2-D hydraulic model. The model includes a 1-D interface with Hutton Branch to determine the interaction between these different flooding sources. The master drainage plan was updated to be consistent with the proposed plans for the I-35 East improvements, available locations for regional detention/retention basins, and required storm sewer/channel components. The 1-D/2-D modeling included alternatives within the I-35 East right-of-way. The Master Plan improvements included various alignments for multiple box culverts, channel lowering downstream of the I-35 East outfall, replacement of the Crosby Road culverts, possible flow diversion to Hutton Branch, possible regional detention/retention, additional storm drain improvements from the Belt Line Road area, and local storm drain improvements. The 2-D modeling effort has included the development of exhibits that show the areal extent of flooding, depth of flooding, and by-pass flows to the Crosby Road location.

The fourth phase was the development of preliminary plans for channel modifications and Crosby Road culverts to meet the requirements of the Master Plan and tie into TxDOT drainage improvements at I-35E.