Raw Water Delivery System Concept Plan

  Irving, Texas

Raw Water Delivery System Concept Plan    |   Dallas, Texas

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NDM analyzed three pipeline corridors for delivery of 25,000 – 137,000 acre-feet per year of new raw water supply source(s) to meet the City’s long-term water demands in line with TWDB Region C Planning Guidelines and the City’s 20-year Capital Improvements Project. NDM's responsibilities included the determination of pipeline sizes (ranging from 30-inches to 90-inches); evaluation of required pumping capacities (ranging from 900 – 15,500 EHP) for each alignment corridor; analysis of the City’s existing and proposed Lake Chapman Delivery System, which included recommendations on additional pipeline and facility improvements; gathering of GIS data; and permitting and legal requirements. NDM’s plan included analysis of the City’s existing delivery system; new/existing pipeline and pump station hydraulic requirements; potential raw water customers for excess supply; opinion of probable cost; project schedule; regulatory and legal issues related to water rights; and land acquisition and permitting.